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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Welcome to the World ...

Hello everyone!!! :)
This is Kellie, Mel's older and wiser sister ... NOT , lol
I am posting here for Mel today because she is in hospital with a beautiful bundle of joy.

Introducing ...

Aaleaya Janet Kahikatea
Arrived by c-section at 8.50am
22 May 2007
8lb 7oz

This is the photo I received yesterday morning sent from Mel's mobile phone ... gotta love technology hey, lol

Just look how adorable she is awwwwwwwwwwwwww....

Melissa looks fantastic, Massey is pleased as punch with his beautiful baby daughter and Kaitiaki is one very proud and gentle big brother.

Melissa had Aaleaya at Frankston hospital and they both arrived at Rosebud Hosiptal today.

I have just come back from my first official cuddle and grabbed some more pics ...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

40 weeks 4 days

Well I'm hanging in there JUST!!!
Bubs is in no great hurry to make his/her appearance!!
I am going to see the Obstetricican in the morning and from there we will decide to go for induction or another c-section if labour wouldn't be favourable.
I am starting to get the whinges at the moment too!!! Everything hurts and I am having trouble sleeping!! I was up from 4.30am this morning, unable to sleep.. for no particular reason just bright eyed and no chance of going back to sleep..
Well just a quick update for the moment .. I will try and get back on tomorrow afternoon and post the outcome at the Ob's.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

40 weeks today!!

Well today is my due date and i would be alot more dissapointed if I thought nothing was going on, but on Thursday night i was awake quite a bit with regular cramping throughout the night and made myself sleep!!! I went and saw the Obstetrician on Thursday also and he was happy with how things were travelling had a bit of a prod bubs has dropped and is engaged and then said if your still around next week he wants to see me in regards to induction or c-section.. Then yesterday bubs movements were down alot considering the normal kicks and painful movements, I rang the hospital and they had me go in for monitoring. All was well and bubs was happily beating a storm on the machine!!!! She did a urine sample and found some traces of protein, she was very dissapointed no one had been monitoring it closely considering I had Pre-eclampsia with Kai.
Then last night I had quite a substantial show so today I have stayed in pretty much hibernating and waiting for something to happen!!! I went for a big walk up a hill with heaps of steps so that was good in the hope it may get things going!!! Tonight I have had the cramping still and just had another substantial show so things are a happening and just a matter of time!!

Not too much else going on just feel like crawling under a rock till things progress and have a feeling I just feel like being at home!!! I am sure once I have had bubs I will not want to be here much as I will be sick of it!!

To all the mummies out there, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY tomorrow, I was hopeing to have a special day tomorrow with an arrival so fingers crossed!!!!! What could be a better gift!!!!

My sister came and took some pictures last night of us and they came out fab here are a couple I have played with so far...

Take care all ....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

39 weeks 3 days


Not much has been going on still have heartburn and I am told I have dropped!!! Thankfully i am going to have my waxing done tomorrow as I think my hormones have done a 360 last time I extended my appointment out a further week and my eyebrows really were not that bad at all and this week I am desperate to make my normal 3 week appointment!!! I couldn't possibly have photos with my new bubs with brows like this!!! hahaha j/k

So I am not going to hold my breath my due date is Saturday and Kaitiaki being 2 weeks over I just have to be patient ... yeah right!!! I have an appointment to see the midwife tomorrow and then I see my OB on Thursday so hopefully it may shed some light on what is happening if anything...

Well I will keep you posted if anything comes about!!!!