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Thursday, October 12, 2006

9 weeks 6 days

Ooppss haven't updated in a little while!!! I am doing well just cruzing along. Nothing huge to report yet still no morning sickness just little feelings of seasickness from time to time. Which suits me just fine!!!!
I have my doctors appointment next Friday when I assume I will get my referals and have to go get blood test and scan. all very exciting. It feels like I have been pregnant for ages already after only knowing for 5 weeks now!!! I know this pregnancy is going to be a long one!!
I have made some great friends on Baby it is great to be able to talk with others due the same time. Also all the info on the site I find very helpful.

I am just starting to organise my trip to Queensland coming up in the next couple of weeks as much as it is a conference I will try and get in some relaxing... I've never been away from Kai for so long so will be interesting!!!! I'm sure I will miss him heaps and be glad once I am home again!! All the same I will enjoy it while I can..
I am suffering terrible tiredness!!! I could just lay down and sleep anywhere anytime and most nights dont see past 9.30!!! We went to see Evermore the other weekend and appart from really sore feet from standing I was yawning before they even got on the stage!!!! It was great but just wish I'd got in a cat nap in the arvo and I would have enjoyed it alot more!!!!

Well shall return soon and update again!!! Bye for now....