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Friday, July 04, 2008

Little girl getting BIGGER

Wow time flies and Aaleaya is growing up so fast its time I start blogging a little more regularly! She is a talented walker/ runner now! When she wants to get somewhere she is there! We've had some rainy and windy days lately so when the opportunity come up to try get out the door she is up for it!!

About 3 weeks ago she started going to day care, she was not a fan at all in the beginning but she is warming to it and I cant believe how much I can get done in a day with no kids!!!!!!!

She has a great vocabulary at the moment, we can imitate a cow, a fish (and attempt to say fish while spitting, iiissshshhhhh !!!!!!!) lion, cat, dog ... she loves meow but cant get her mouth around it... and of course her favourite word and food "NNAanna" everything in banana!!!

I will add some pics of Aaleayas birthday party also as I didn’t add them in the last post! oops very slack!

I will leave you with pictures and will have to update again soon so I remember things to update you all on!!!

Aaleaya's Cake








