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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Video/Photo post!!!

Well just passing by and thought I would upload some videos and photos.. Solids are going down well .. hooray!! We are camped out at home today waiting for Chrisco to arrive!!! Well here are some pics and vids!!

On Thursday Lynne and I got all arty and made our girls a gorgeous canvas with ribbons and painted their names came our really well ..!!

Here is the load os vegies I steamed up for my lil Pumpkin, they all later got mashed and stored in the freezer!!

Yay Chrisco finally arrived!!!!!!! Kai was most impressed!!! hehe He loves the little gifts you get inside!!! haha Here is all the dry stuff + the full freezer!!! haha (notice loads of ice cubes on the top shelf oh and excuse the placenta at the bottom of the freezer!!! bbaaahahahahah)

Comments on "Video/Photo post!!!"


Blogger Kell said ... (9:57 PM) : 

awww how cute is that vid of AJ LOL and yippee your chrisco finally arrived!!! Love your blog header too Mel. Oi where is a link to my blog and website??? waaaaaaaa AHAHA


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:52 AM) : 

oh those kids are beautiful,wish nan can hug n smooch them on line,but very happy to watch n see their growth happenin on line it great!!gorgeous video soon she be grabbin spoon off ya ta do it herself,gosh it don't take long.n' Tiaki he just sooo cool,you's do a great parenting job guyz.Kitchen cupboards n freezer ready for xmas sooo organized,saves all the stress at supermarkets,take care n visit you's again,love you


Blogger Jules said ... (7:53 PM) : 

Oh dear, what a beautiful wee girl, she so looks like Sian!!!

Love the full fridge etc.

I see you have a george foreman steamer, I just bought one but think the instructions are bullshit and I don't know how to use it properly. Can you cook chicken at the same time as veges?

any help would be great.


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