40 weeks 4 days
Well I'm hanging in there JUST!!! Bubs is in no great hurry to make his/her appearance!! I am going to see the Obstetricican in the morning and from there we will decide to go for induction or another c-section if labour wouldn't be favourable. I am starting to get the whinges at the moment too!!! Everything hurts and I am having trouble sleeping!! I was up from 4.30am this morning, unable to sleep.. for no particular reason just bright eyed and no chance of going back to sleep.. Well just a quick update for the moment .. I will try and get back on tomorrow afternoon and post the outcome at the Ob's. |
Comments on "40 weeks 4 days"
Crikey, thought you would have had the little tamariki by now. You need to have sex, I know you know this!! At least four times a day as a natural prostin.
LOL love that advise!!!
I hope you are holding your little bubba by now! Take Care!