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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

25 weeks 4 days

Just been traveling along nicely here!! Bump is definitely getting bigger and bigger!! So Kai keeps telling me 'You have a fat puku mummy', thanks my darling Tiaki!!! He is keen for my tummy to get bigger and bigger because as I have explained to him when it gets REALLY big the baby will be ready to come out for lots of cuddles.!! He says 'good morning' to my tummy most mornings and is happy to have a chat with it!! So adorable. i am loving his age and understanding about it all, it is like he is bonding and building a connection already! He was talking about the baby eating the other day so the discussion about babies having no teeth and little stomach's began and progressed to the whole breastfeeding talk. I think I will get a book about it all, I have seen some great ones through the Australian Breastfeeding Assoc so I will get onto all that soon.
I have my next appointment with the midwife next week where I will get my pathology slip for my glucose test, not looking forward to that, although this time I am not sick so it may not be quite so bad.!
I go to pick up the baby capsule tonight which will be good and last week I put a cot on lay by. Thankfully with the bassinet there is no great hurry for that. Also at some stage will think about getting a car seat organised.

I have been having a slightly queasy feeling over the past couple of days, I am thinking it could be the banana on my cereal in the morning really not sure but I wish it would go away!!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Emily and Johnny on the announcement of your pregnancy. Wishing you all the very best for the following 8 or so months. Enjoy.

Thats about all for now ...

Comments on "25 weeks 4 days"


Blogger Jules said ... (1:28 PM) : 

Peta was like that with Ben when he was in utero and it was lovely. She was so doting and protective when he was born that she screamed the house down the first time we bathed Ben at home because he was crying before we put him in the baby bath and I think she thought we were drying to drown him for being naughty.

By the way, have tagged you, see my post for what to copy.


Blogger Jules said ... (1:29 PM) : 

I meant "trying to drown him" not drying to. (Nappy brain!!)


Blogger Shawn said ... (5:19 PM) : 

Hiya! The Widget is cool hey! Beckie (beckschallenge) posted it on Hayely's (madamX's) site and I just had to have one too!
You still gotta let me know where you got that cool link to your guessing game from? You have taken it off now but i really liked it!


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