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Thursday, November 23, 2006

16 weeks tomorrow

Laziness, Pregnancy, Lack of Sleep, Pregnancy, Tiredness, Heartburn, Pregnancy, 3 1/2 year old, Pregancy!!!!!!! ok the first was right it is laziness!!! But !!! all the rest are coming into it too!!! Just no excuse, although all in all I am LOVING this pregnancy and really really enjoying it and getting in touch with it... I called my Doula to be on Monday but unfortunately she is not around in May so have refered me to a couple of other local doulas who I will call soon and organise a time to meet them and see who I feel most connected with. Mass was a little dissapointed that the particular one whom I had talked up so much and had my heart set on was not available but thats life! I am happy she has been able to refer some others.. Apart from that I know quite a few myself so I can always turn to them... Its all happening!!!

So since my last post I have booked into hospital well into both the hospitals as advised by my Ob. I go and see the midwives in 3 weeks and discuss all the normal mambo that goes with the booking in paperwork!! I am still waiting for my medical file from the hospital about Kais arrival into the world!! I am interested to see what REALLY happened!!!!!

Bree and I went out for dinner and a movie the other weekend it was so nice, great to get out without the kids!! a real girly episode!!!! Then we came back and played PS2 for a while then Bree ended up crashing the night..... In the morning we went to a cafe and had bacon and eggs for brekkie!!! yummoooo, something I could never have dreamed of having when pregnant with Kai!!!!!!!

I have been keeping up gym and walking which is really good and if I miss out at all I really feel it!! I dont know how long I will be able to keep one of the classes up (powerbar) the only concer is the periods of laying flat on my back which isnt encouraged as time goes on ... so I will query that lil issue when I see the midwives..
I am enjoying my lil mate, he truely is my little mate. He helps me with watering the vegies, covering over the sandpit, snuggling up to watch tv or read a book!! He is really growing up too quickly and I am so lucky to have my little gem. I am thankful to have had the past 3 and a bit years with him, I realise once the baby arrives he will loose some of the attention he now gets but up until that time I am all his and still will do my entire best when bubs arrives. Mass and I always said we wanted Kai to be toilet trained, have spent a couple of years of quality one on one time with him and for him to really be able to communicate with us and us with him..... All that and more has happened and some sooner than we thought .... he is so excited about his little brother-sister and talks to my belly a lot so I am sure the bond has already begun.

We have a big weekend ahead, I am off with the girls for dinner tomorrow night a bit of a pre xmas get together before the season hits too hard!!! We are going to a kareoke place so it will be interesting!!!!!

I found a link on one of the forums for a fortune teller to predict labour.........

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning .
After a labor lasting approximately 14 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 19-1/2 inches long. This child will have green eyes and be almost bald.

My baby measures nearly 5 inches (12cm) from head to buttocks.
My baby weighs about 3.5 ounces (100 grams).
My baby is covered with a protective soft down to regulate its temperature.
Fat begins to form underneath skin.
Baby hears external voices, sleeps and dreams.

In the next three weeks babe will go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling weight and adding inches to length.

Comments on "16 weeks tomorrow"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:35 PM) : 

You are sounding so great - serene and happy :-)


Blogger Kt said ... (10:09 PM) : 

i agree with Kate, u sound soo happy! i love the prediction, wonder how true it may be??


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