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Saturday, September 16, 2006

6 weeks

Still feeling really good at this stage..
I have had no Morning Sickness as yet thankfully, I have been having little waves of sickness but nothing really.. I am hoping that unlike my first pregnancy I don't get sick.
All is well I have been getting some maternity clothes organised for summer (my worst nightmare being pregnant for our wonderful Aussie Summer) thankfully I wont bear the brunt of the pregnancy in the hottest months.

Today we picked up our pram we bought it second hand as we sold all of Kai's baby things which is a pity but also nice to get new stuff for bubs. Here it is.

It is so easy to menouver and will be great as a bassinett. I am hoping to get Kai and 'skateboard' for the back where he can stand so I can still enjoy my walking with both the both of them on board!
I went out for dinner with the girls from my original mums group, we try and get out at least once a month. It was a lovely meal and as always a great belly laugh.
We spoke about a holiday towards the end of next year and threw ideas about Cairns or Perth. It is an idea that we have bought up a few times but lets make this one happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that is about all from me for now. I still haven't made an appointment at the doctors but will ring them on Monday and get in.
Take Care xx

Comments on "6 weeks"


Blogger Margaret said ... (8:55 AM) : 

Congratulations on your pregnancy. That is exciting news, and Kai is such a lovely age to understand and enjoy a new baby. It will be the same gap as my two boys and they are now having a great time together (2 & 5).

Enjoy the nanna naps where you can get them LOL and don't worry about your body. You are gorgeous and bringing a new baby in the world is such a special thing.

Have fun.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Yay! Congratulations! I haven't been to your blog for aaaaages and when I decided to go back this afternoon I was so excited to find another preggo girl in blogland!

The pram looks fab! I just bought a Beema Q from babyco- it also has a bassinet but doesn't look as flash as that one!

Hope to see you at my blog soon *lol*!!


Blogger The Writer said ... (10:10 AM) : 

Hello, first time visitor from babes in blogland. I am 6w 4d myself. I was wondering what brand the stroller is? It's awesome and somewhat unlike what we can find here!



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