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Saturday, December 02, 2006

17 weeks 1 day

Been keeping busy lately, just seem to fill up time with so much, christmas shopping, cooking, cleaning all the normal stuff just seems like there is more of it lately.
I have had heartburn back I had it with Kaitiaki as well but not till much later in the pregnancy so I am hoping it doesnt get any worse I am carrying Quick Eze around all the time in case!!

Last Sunday was my cousin Lachlan's 1st Birthday how quick a year goes... I was my Aunty's Doula so all the memories of the day come back!! It was just beautiful.

We also went to the Pet and Pony Expo before the party which was great fun Kai has his face painted we took Stella who couldn't get enough of all the dogs, she was wrapped!!

On Monday was Dad's birthday, we stayed for dinner and Kai was again over at the next door neighbours for alot of the time if not in Pa's bus, turning it upsidedown!!!
Tuesday I made our Christmas puddings yummo, was very exciting!!!! They turned out just perfect!!!!

On Wednesday I took the day off as Chrisco was arriving so I was all prepared and had been trying to use up alot of stuff from my cupboard before it came!!!
Here are some shots of the lot!!!

The rest of the week I havent been up to too much just relaxing and also trying to get ready for xmas!! I have promised puddings for a girlfriend also so I will make some more next week and get it to her! We put our Christmas tree up early this year and did it on Sunday Kai was so excited and was such a good helper!!!

Thats about it for the moment... shall be back again in the next week or so for more updates.!!!

Next Appointments:

Hospital/antenatal visit - 14/12/06

Ultrasound - 18/12/06


My baby measures nearly 5.5 inches (13cm) from head to buttocks.

My baby weighs about 5 ounces (140 grams).

My baby's skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. A protective substance called myelin slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord.

Your growing uterus has shifted your centre of gravity and you've probably been feeling a bit off-kilter.

Comments on "17 weeks 1 day"


Blogger Danielle said ... (11:24 PM) : 

It's fund reading a blog of someone who is due around the same time as we are. Now what was this huge shipment you got? Looks like fun. Hope the heartburn is getting better. Danielle


Blogger Danielle said ... (11:24 PM) : 

Oops. FUN not Fund...


Blogger Deb said ... (9:30 AM) : 

I've just found your new blog again... OMG!!! I had no idea you were pregnant!!!!

Here are some belated congratulations!!! So exciting :)

Now I'm off to read some back entries and catch up on what you've been up to! :)


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