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Saturday, May 12, 2007

40 weeks today!!

Well today is my due date and i would be alot more dissapointed if I thought nothing was going on, but on Thursday night i was awake quite a bit with regular cramping throughout the night and made myself sleep!!! I went and saw the Obstetrician on Thursday also and he was happy with how things were travelling had a bit of a prod bubs has dropped and is engaged and then said if your still around next week he wants to see me in regards to induction or c-section.. Then yesterday bubs movements were down alot considering the normal kicks and painful movements, I rang the hospital and they had me go in for monitoring. All was well and bubs was happily beating a storm on the machine!!!! She did a urine sample and found some traces of protein, she was very dissapointed no one had been monitoring it closely considering I had Pre-eclampsia with Kai.
Then last night I had quite a substantial show so today I have stayed in pretty much hibernating and waiting for something to happen!!! I went for a big walk up a hill with heaps of steps so that was good in the hope it may get things going!!! Tonight I have had the cramping still and just had another substantial show so things are a happening and just a matter of time!!

Not too much else going on just feel like crawling under a rock till things progress and have a feeling I just feel like being at home!!! I am sure once I have had bubs I will not want to be here much as I will be sick of it!!

To all the mummies out there, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY tomorrow, I was hopeing to have a special day tomorrow with an arrival so fingers crossed!!!!! What could be a better gift!!!!

My sister came and took some pictures last night of us and they came out fab here are a couple I have played with so far...

Take care all ....

Comments on "40 weeks today!!"


Blogger Kate said ... (7:21 AM) : 

Wow! Gorgeous photos - you will love looking back on them, and so will your baby.

Oooh so exciting!! Not long to go now, I have my fingers crossed that things are progressing.

Kia kaha, and many wishes for a safe delivery. I'm so excited for you, you're gonna see your baby so soon.


Blogger Jules said ... (10:23 AM) : 

I love those photos. They are gorgeous.

Make sure you are amping up that raspberry leaf now!!!

Good luck with it all and I can't wait to meet your new member of your whanau very soon.

I must admit, I was wondering why they haven't been keeping a much closer eye on you due to the previous PE. Love to you.


Blogger Shawn said ... (3:49 PM) : 



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