32 weeks 1 days
okay been slack at posting again!!! Can you beleive 7+ weeks to go OMG!!!!! So I've just been cruising along nicely again the insomnia seems to have calmed down a little bit although Kai and I had a sleep this afternoon so hopefully that wont affect me too much! The indigestion is still around and is showing no signs of disappearing! Last Friday I read news about the Rosbud Hospital closing their Midwifery lead care unit which was a real blow being only a couple of minutes from my house. As much as I was not 'aloud' to birth there because I am having a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Ceasarean) I was going to transfer back there as soon as I have had bubs, just as I did when Kai was born. I feel you the relief I felt when I arrived back at Rosebud was amazing! I wont go into the horror stories or Frankston but I do realise that most of the staff are totally under pressure and it is such a medical model of care they only can offer what they know and the hospital offers. I could go on and on about this but will get to the point!! After reading about it again in the local papers this week http://www.morningtonpeninsulaleader.com.au/article/2007/03/09/11358_mlv_news.html and talking to other expecting mothers and past patients at Rosebud the overall consensus is that the decision is quite dangerous and making women, up to an hour or more away 50+kms in flowing traffic and closing the unit in just 4 weeks. I feel that a first time mum being put in such a situation where she has had the care of Rosebud throughout and now being told that in as little at 5 weeks expect to birth in a completely different environment is really sad and must be terrifying. As I say I could go on and on. I have since been in touch with some wonderful women who I discovered at the Maternity Coalition and they are being extremely helpful in setting up and supporting some lobbing and generally getting the word out as consumers we disagree with the move and more so if the government wont realise the dangers that it is imperative that the Rosebud Hospital Midwife Lead care continues with the Frankston Medical Model as is being proposed. So I will keep the details coming on here and if anyone is interested let me know and I can get in touch with you regarding details etc. I am sure this is going to keep me busy for a little while, I feel quite passionate about it and also as a Doula it is important for me to keep birth as natural as possible and if this is done at a hospital where some women feel more comfortable the midwife lead approach as opposed to the medical model is the one to fight for. Here are some pics of the babys room as it pregresses!!! Quite funny when I was pregnant with Kaitiaki, I think the entire room was organised and ready to go!! This time I am quite calm about not being entirely organised. Also I think because we decided bubs will be in the bassinett in our room for a little while so the nursery doesnt have to be entirely finished. I have to go and pick up the layby which has the cot and didnt realise until today that it was actually due to be collected and completed today... oopss better get onto it!! I am still catching up on blogs and comment when I get a chance.. Also I have had a go at digital scrapbooking and here is my first attempt.... ![]() My sister helped me get into it she has opened a website if there are interested digital scrappers lurking go and check it out Colorline Design okay and at 32 weeks this is where the bubba and I are at.... FACTS Your baby is about 44 cm long (17.25 inches) and approximately 1,900 grams in weight (1.9 kg or 4lb 3 oz). Your baby's sucking and swallowing action (required to drink milk) fully coordinates between 32 to 34 weeks. Some babies have a head of hair already, others have only a few wisps. Thick hair at birth doesn't necessarily mean thick hair later on but children with fine hair in childhood usually have thinner hair in adulthood. You're probably gaining a pound/ 450 grams a week, largely because your baby is likely to gain more than half his birthweight during the seven weeks before delivery. |
Comments on "32 weeks 1 days"
Ooooh, I love the little poem on your scrapping page, that is so cute!