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Saturday, October 20, 2007

5 months on Monday...

aww my lil girl is growing and I am loving watching every moment of it!!

AJ has conquered how to roll she did it for the first time yesterday as you can see on a video at my facebook so cute!!

Also starting to giggle up a storm!! We had our 4 months review a couple of weeks ago and at the MCHN and she was 7 kgs !!! No wonder she is getting heavier and heavier!!

Babies babies!! ... Uncle Paul and Auntie Lisa had their bubba boy last week little Liam, looking forward to meeting my little cousin!!! Today we went and visited Bree in hospital after she had bubs yesterday, he is such a cutie as the pics below show!! hehe The one of Mason and Aaleaya just blows me away ... she was smaller than he is oh my goodness!! just 5 months ago. awww Couldn't help myself and had to snap away!!!

Our newest toy for the moment is a Jumperoo my latest bargain on ebay!! hehe AJ just loves it and gets right into it!!!! She bounces for ages!!!!!!

Everything else is going along nicely Aaleaya is sleeping like a baby!! hehe Just like her Bro !! goes down at 8pm and most mornings we are lucky if we see her before 9am !! then she is tired again by 10.30 - 11 .. sometimes I ask myself how can that be!! On Tuesday we are going to an 'Introducing Solids' class!! It will be good as I am looking forward to staring her in about 3 or so weeks.
Here are just a few pics to leave you with.. Hugs and Dribbles xx

STELLA's NEWEST FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaleaya and Luca!!! aww