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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

25 weeks 4 days

Just been traveling along nicely here!! Bump is definitely getting bigger and bigger!! So Kai keeps telling me 'You have a fat puku mummy', thanks my darling Tiaki!!! He is keen for my tummy to get bigger and bigger because as I have explained to him when it gets REALLY big the baby will be ready to come out for lots of cuddles.!! He says 'good morning' to my tummy most mornings and is happy to have a chat with it!! So adorable. i am loving his age and understanding about it all, it is like he is bonding and building a connection already! He was talking about the baby eating the other day so the discussion about babies having no teeth and little stomach's began and progressed to the whole breastfeeding talk. I think I will get a book about it all, I have seen some great ones through the Australian Breastfeeding Assoc so I will get onto all that soon.
I have my next appointment with the midwife next week where I will get my pathology slip for my glucose test, not looking forward to that, although this time I am not sick so it may not be quite so bad.!
I go to pick up the baby capsule tonight which will be good and last week I put a cot on lay by. Thankfully with the bassinet there is no great hurry for that. Also at some stage will think about getting a car seat organised.

I have been having a slightly queasy feeling over the past couple of days, I am thinking it could be the banana on my cereal in the morning really not sure but I wish it would go away!!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Emily and Johnny on the announcement of your pregnancy. Wishing you all the very best for the following 8 or so months. Enjoy.

Thats about all for now ...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

24 weeks 3 days

Had a busy busy week this week!!! as usual!!
Mum and Ron arrived back from Tasmania on Monday so we went to Nans on Tuesday (where they are living at the moment) for dinner, we had yummy as food as normal Nan made a banquet!!!! It was delish!!! The kids had a ball, Kai's cousins Josh and Lill were there too and so they enjoyed themselves!!

We have had a few visits from them and it has been great to be able to also just pop in and see them!!!

My belly is getting bigger and bigger by the day and over the past hour that I have been at the computer the baby is kicking up a storm to the point I feel quite queasy!!!

I won a capsule on ebay which I am excited about!! I never had one with Kai but I think that it will be much easier when I am getting Kai in and out the car etc and it wont disturb the baby, it also doubles as a rocker/carrier so I think it will hopefully be quite useful!!!!

On Saturday morning we took Blake to the airport he was back to Christchurch to spend time with his Nan before he goes back to his mum in Whakatane. It was a really early start we were up at about 4.30am I think it was and it took me the entire weekend to recover from it!!!! All afternoon on Saturday I was in and out of sleep and Kai was the opposite he was charged all day!!! Sunday we didn't do too much either I went to gym for a while and Kai went with Mass and they got Ant Bully so he watched that, and explained the whole movie to me later!!!
Yesterday I worked and today we havent done too much, moved the computer out of the spare room so I am now in Kais playroom on the computer which I think is much better and Kai enjoys gasbagging away to me while he is playing!!!
I am organising my business stuff for my Doula Support Business getting a website designed etc, which is a whole new world but I must say keeping a blog has taught me a few things about scripts and stuff so will just carry on!!!! I have finally decided on a business name so have got my ABN and I am hopeing to get stuck right into the business after bubs and really get it out there and advertise. The midwife I see at the hospital is interested in the postnatal side of it and wants some pamphlets and business cards so with their feeding and sleep clinic down there hopefully it will gather some business.
I heard from the lady whom I was hopeing could be my doula although when I spoke to her a couple of months ago she wasnt' taking any clients ... I was thrilled to get a message the other day to say she is back on board and I am going to have a meeting with her in the next few weeks to discuss things!!! Such exciting news. I think the support would be fantastic especially considering I am trying for a VBAC in a rather hostile hospital setting and she is also an independant midwife so I will have great confidence in her ability to support and encourge me in my decisions.
Not too much else to report I have my next visit with the midwife on the the 7th of February. Thankfully with this cooler weather my ankles have returned to me!!!
The other night I felt the baby had hiccups it was quite funny and gave me the giggles in the end. I am sure Kai probably did it in the womb also but this was quite deffinate and rythmic!!! Very cute.!!!
The baby weighs more than 600 grams. Though he/she still has little body fat and his/her skin is thin and fragile, he's/she's now well-proportioned. The brain is growing rapidly, and he/she is starting to fill the space in your uterus. From crown to heel s/he could measure 30 centimetres.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

23 weeks today!

Firstly want to congratulate Pauline who was going in to have her baby yesterday, I was thinking of you and looking forwad to the news!!..

So 23 weeks with 17 to go 'Oh My God'!! How quickly this pregnancy has gone is blowing me away!!!! I have been feeling fine but the fluid retention gets me when it heats up and by the end of the night my glamourus feet turn from unflattering to unnoticable!! I don't like feet at the best of times so to see them in this state definately keeps me indoors!!!!!!! Oh my poor feet!!!! Thankfully now the weather has cooled down for a couple of days they seem to be much better, until Tuesday I suppose when is it due to heat up again!!

On Saturday night my sister helped me out online to get a new header sorted for the blog. She is right into digital scrapbooking so hepled me in photoshop. I was wrapped with the end result this is the first as you can see on Kai's blog

and here is the one I completed for this blog... both I am wrapped with for a first go!!!!

I started back at work on Monday which was a bit of a drag but got into it as I knew I had wuite a big job to return to and get done pretty much in a day. After hounding the customer for the last bits to complete the job they came in at 3.30pm (I finish at 4pm) and dropped them off. So I had to save all the work and prepare to finish it at home. Only trouble was my software was up the putt so took till 10pm that night till I even had that worked out and started the changes to the job... By the time I got it finished it was 3am and my eyes were hanging out my head!!! Thankfully Kai and Blake stayed with Mass so I was able to get a sleep in till about 9.30am.!! I was still tired and my feet were still a bit swollen even after a sleep!! Thankfully that was all done for another year.

I went to see the midwife on Wednesday and was showing her my very swollen feet, she suggested Magnesium as I am getting leg cramps also... so I am back on the pregnancy tablets again which I had to stop for a while as they stopped my insides from working !!!! My they seem to be keeping the fluid at bay as much as they are still binding me up terribly!! The joys of pregnancy!! Overall the midwife was happy and gave my feet a massage to try and stimulate the fluid to move!!!! I go back on the 7th of Feb when I will get my pathology form to have my gloucose test (yukkk) and then again for a 28 week checkup on the 20th of Feb. From then I will be seeing them fortnightly and then the OB at 34 weeks...

Bubs is still extreamly active in the afternoon/evening!!! I am getting the odd afternoon sleep in when I can, thankfully Kai still has an afternoon sleep so I am able to get one too!!!
He is enjoying his cousin still being here .. tonight Blake has gone to see some other relos up the city way so didn't take Kai long to realise that he wasn't around this morning!!! I am sure Kai will be wrapped to have him back tomorrow!!!
As you can read on Kai's blog yesterday we went to the Fort at Point Nepean, that was quite tireing but I am glad I went and got some fresh air!!! It was a lovely trip out on the tractor and then we walked around quite a bit so got some good exercise in!!
Your baby has grown to be about 28 cm long from head to toe (or 11.2 inches) and approximately 600 grams in weight (1 lb 5 oz).
Many women notice that their baby tends to be noticeably more active when they are resting, perhaps because when a pregnant woman is active, her body naturally 'rocks' her baby to sleep. Your baby now has definite sleep and wake patterns (although they may sleep up to 95% of the time) and now have REM (or rapid eye movement), which indicates they may be dreaming!
Although the lungs will stay scrunched up until the moment of birth, your baby is now practising breathing movements. That first breath of air will expand the lungs and push the heart over to the left side of the chest.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

22 weeks 3 days

Hope you all had great New Year celebrations.
Whew where have the days gone...!! I have been busy busy designing the new blog header for here and Kai's blog so has kept me busy thats for sure.. Thanks Kell for your help!!!
I am still catching up on blogs as much as I can and will be back tomorrow to post my happenings!! I am off to the the midwife in the morning which can't come quick enough as I am suffering severe fluid retention so really want to get it checked out as this lead to the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia last pregnancy so want to rule it out at least for the moment!!!!

HEAPS of movements and also getting Braxton Hicks which I never had with Kai but I know all about them this time!!!!

Shall be back tomorrow!!!