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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

29 weeks 3 days

Whew ok so its been a lil while between posts!!!!
Since i posted last time the boys came back from New Zealand and the update is on Kaitiaki's blog..

I have had a couple of appointments with my midwife also since my last post and all is going well I am measuring correct and I am stoked that so far I have only gained 13 kgs considering the 30+kg gain I had with Kaitiaki. I am in the process of cancelling my gym membership and looking around at a new gym for once I have had bubs as my current gym is stopping their childcare facility. So that is my new mission over the coming months!!!

Still suffering terrible heartburn / indigestion but just dealing with it now. I have to make sure I take my Rennie where ever I go!!!! My newest symptom I am suffering from is Insomnia, I have never in my life not been able to sleep. I am one of those people who, when my head hits the pillow it is only a matter of minutes before I am in dream world!!! Over the past probably 3 weeks I have been suffering terribly.. I toss and turned until 4am yesterday morning and last night was better at falling asleep but then woke up at 3 am and really struggled to get back to sleep. Apart from the fact that I am just getting more and more uncomfortable lack of sleep already is driving me crazy!!!!!!

I have started to pack the baby's bag for hospital and a few things in my bag like my oils and massage stuff, music etc. I can't believe its only a matter of 10weeks omg!!!!! And 8 weeks till I go see PINK in concert!!! Now that is going to be interesting!!!! hehe
I got a lovely necklace from Mass for Valentines which he got me while in NZ. And speaking of necklaces I finally got my hands on a Mexican Bola Chime necklace which arrived yesterday. It is lovely and worn low it apparently soothes the baby and even when it is born can be worn higher and be soothing to the baby during feeding etc.. such a nice idea I think. I also re-newed my Australian Breastfeeding Association membership which is a great resource during the initial feeding days and throughout really!!
I breastfed Tiaki for 10 months and hope to breastfeed this one with no dramas (fingers-crossed!!) With Kai I suffered a terrible case of mastitis and also a long episode of cracked nipples but I was determined so persevered through it... I pray I don't get either again!!!!
That's about it for now, here is a pic I took just before of my belly!!! The camera was running out of battery so it was a quick one!!!
Your baby now weighs around 2.5 pounds / 1.1 kilograms and measures about 15 inches / 38 centimetres from head to toe.
Your baby's head is getting bigger, and brain growth is very rapid at this time. Nearly all babies react to sound by 30 weeks.
Your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during the third trimester. You'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200 milligrams is deposited in your baby's skeleton every day), so eat foods rich in these nutrients. The skeleton hardens even more and the brain, muscles, and lungs continue to mature.
Take care all xx

Sunday, February 11, 2007

27 weeks 1 day

Firstly I was tagged last week by the lovely Jules, so here tis
Four things about me:

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Receptionist
2. Kitchen Hand
3. Graphic Design
4. Stock Control

B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Happy Feet
2. Harry Potter
3. ET
4. Bridget Jones' Diary

C) Four places I have lived:
1. Rosebud
2. Rye
3. Tootgarook
4. Rosebud West!!

D) Four favourite TV shows:
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Home and Away
4. House

E) Four of my favourite foods:
1. Bananas
2. Roast Lamb
3. Cheese
4. Hot Dogs

F) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. With my boys in Whakatane (NZ)
2. Snuggeled in bed!
3. On a sunny remote beach soaking it up!
4. Being pampered at a day spa!!!

G) Four friends I think/hope will respond:
1. Emily
2. Shontie
3. Hayley
4. Kell

Okay, so been a lil bit since I updated!
Last Friday I had Lynne and Vicki over for lunch we had a great afternoon gassbagging and catchin up.. These girls are among a few of our Mothers Group and as difficult as it is at times to all get together we manage on the odd occasion to organise lunch where we are able to catch up and talk the girly/motherly things!!
On Saturday Kaitiaki had his first swimming lesson, he loved it and was just a lil natural.!
On Sunday morning, not long after we got up we got the terrible news that Mass' Nan had passed away. She had been unwell but doesnt make the news any easier. So the rest of the day was quite a blur and I booked flights for Mass and Kai to head back to New Zealand the following day. I spent the rest of the day washing and organising Kais bag. i then realised that I didn't have an Epi-pen for Kai as he is anaphalactic so was quite important for him to have one with him at all times. I rang the chemist but without a script I had to pay full price for one ($90) but better him to have it and then I wouldn't worry so much!!!!
Their flight left at 8.10am so had to get there early early for check in.. Kai was so excited and I am sure he thought the minute he got there he would be off on the plane but we had time to spare so got some brekkie and coffee.
It was so sad to say goodbye I have never been away from Kai for so long so the first night was terrible and I was a mess but I am getting better! I have been and had my eyebrows done and then went and had a facial on Friday, which was heaven!
Last night Lynne and I went out for dinner at a local Pancake Place which was yum yum yum, then we went to the movies and saw 'Little Children' it was a good film but quite intense to watch!!!

My tummy is growing although at this stage I dont feel as big as I was with Kai... I am measuring all good though so happy with that. I have to go have my glucose test which I think I will do on Tuesday. I have been chatting with a girl from a forum which I frequent and we have since started chatting on msn. We have made a time to meet up since we are so local to one another so I am looking forward to that on Tuseday.
Not too much else planned for the week Tuesday night is the big night ... I get to squeeze my boy again!! Missing him sooo much!

Still getting some fluid retention and heartburn but cant complain too much!!!

My baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from head to toe.

The babys eyes open and close, s/he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and s/he may suck a finger or thumb.

Your baby is now developing their immune system, as natural antibodies pass from your blood stream to them through the placenta.